1. Parents are requested to personally see off and receive their wards at the bus stop (especially Classes Pre-Nursery to V).
  2. Parents are requested not to collect their wards during school hours. In case of emergency the parent should come in person or an authorized person along with the application and parents must also convey the message telephonically in the school office.
  3. It is mandatory for the students using personal conveyance (Two Wheelers) at home to wear helmets and carry license. They are only allowed to ride 50cc bikes as per the notification of Traffic Police Department. Safety and security of the child is the sole responsibility of the parents, in such cases.
  4. Motivate your child to maintain a proper code of conduct. Any misbehaviour, indiscipline and damage to school property may lead to serious consequence even Suspension / Rustication from school (disciplinary action).
  5. No sharp objects namely blade, knife, needle should be sent to school to ensure safety. Posting of derogatory remarks & obscene pictures on social media will invite severe disciplinary action (Suspension / Rustication from school).
  6. Parents and guardians must not visit their wards or teachers in the class rooms.
  7. Electronic gadgets (mobiles, i-pod, play-stations, audio / video players, camera etc) are not permitted inside the school premises as per CBSE school rules. If found, the articles will be confiscated for the remaining session. If such instances are repeated, then the child will be asked to leave the school.
  8. Possession and consumption of alcohol, cigarette, tobacco products and any other form of intoxicating / illegal substance is strictly prohibited and will invite expulsion from school with immediate effect.
  9. Mis-behaviour of children as well as parents with the School authorities will lead to expulsion of the child from school with immediate effect.
  10. Parents are suggested to send healthy hygienic Vegetarian food. Non-Vegetarian food should be avoided as it makes child drowsy and may lead to food poisoning
  11. Parents must ensure that their wards have packed their school bags carefully for the day. No item in the form of lunch boxes / pencil boxes/books/activity material/musical instrument etc. will be allowed entry in the school after the school begins.