1. Parents should spend quality time with their children. They should sacrifice their leisure hours if they want to see their wards fulfill their dreams.
  2. Criticism of the school, the Principal and the teachers should be avoided in front of children. Such criticism builds disrespect for the school and the child may find himself in a state of confusion regarding following the rules and code of conduct laid down by the school.
  3. The school rules should first be followed by the parents, such as paying fee on time, attending all PTMs, coming to school on calls from the teachers, or the Principal. Seeing the parents' positive response, the children will readily accept their teachers' instructions.
  4. Don't be impulsive in pleading your ward's case if a teacher of the school has punished him/her. Try to know the reason by first talking to your child and then talking to the concerned teacher.
  5. Never say, "We are earning & doing hard work for you; what we have belongs to you". Delay instant gratification and learn to differentiate between need and want. Raise children in disciplined manner.
  6. Parents should regularly check the bags and belongings of their children at least once a week. A few children sometimes bring unwanted material to school, so parents should not mind if the bags / pockets / bottles are checked by the school authorities.
  7. Parents should never allow unchecked, uncontrolled, unsupervised access to the internet and social networking websites especially Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Google chats to their children. If the children feel bad about it, let them feel so. Parents should be firm on their decision as it is a question of their ward's future. Such websites invite distraction as there is an abundance of objectionable material available on the internet. Bad is always bad, and bad will make the child worse if he is not monitored and guided at the right time and the right age
  8. Mobile culture should not be encouraged during school life. Experience conveys that there is more harm than good due to mobile addiction. It is a device which distracts most of the children from their studies. Physical activities such as sports should be encouraged, for the healthy development of the child. If the children are too young to go alone, their parents should take them to the playground.
  9. Involve your sons as well as daughters in household chores such as washing, cleaning, dusting, ironing clothes, cooking and gardening, which may be taken up for half an hour twice a week. This channelizes their energy in constructive work and also teaches them dignity of labour, apart from reducing the aggression in them.
  10. A careful combination of firmness and leniency should be used. Excess of pampering will be problematic in later stages of school and college. Over-pleading the cases of wards will bear negative results in life ahead. They might become sympathy seekers.
  11. In the wake of deteriorating moral standards in the society, parents should keep a close watch on their child's friend circle, including tuition friends. They should frequently visit tuition classes (if they attend) to check if there is a noticeable change in his/her behaviour.
  12. The parents must keep track of the expenditure of the pocket money of the child and also help him to develop a habit of saving money. They should refrain from giving excess money to their child. School doesn't demand money from parents & notice will be sent to the parents in case money is required.
  13. Be patient with your child; never show paroxysms of anger, give off-the-cuff remarks or jump to conclusions without listening to him / her. Give your child time, advice and love and see how beautifully you can ward off all the negative thoughts of your child.